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¡Adios, America! Page 14

  Thank you, Teddy Kennedy!

  The prosecution of Hmong rapists is hindered by the fact that neither the girls nor their families are inclined to report the rapes. (Rolling Stone magazine might want to look into this.) The Associated Press reports, “In Hmong culture, a girl who loses her virginity before marriage may be looked down upon by her own relatives, even if she is forcibly raped.”14 Do tell me more about these colorful, fascinating people!

  Around the time of the Hmong rape in Fresno that made the Times think of fraternity rapes, Hmong armed burglars in St. Paul forced a Hmong woman to strip naked, then fondled her in front of her husband and nine children. They robbed the family and, before leaving, raped the mother and her eleven-year-old daughter. According to Hmong cultural anthropologists, the assailants believed that the sexual assaults would prevent the family from reporting the robbery.15 In fact, the family reported the robbery right away, but waited days to mention the rapes.

  In November 2011, a fifteen-year-old Hmong girl was gang-raped after a Hmong friend offered to give her a ride home from school, but, instead, took her to an abandoned house, where about two dozen Hmong men and boys were waiting. The men dragged the girl, kicking and screaming, from the car and gang-raped her. She didn’t report the crime because of the shame to her family. Eventually, school officials discovered the attack and called the police.16

  After a twelve-year-old Hmong girl in Minnesota was gang-raped by at least ten men, neither she nor her family told the police. Over the next several weeks, she continued to be abducted and gang-raped. Returning home after one brutal episode, limping in pain, a female relative said to her: “You’re just a little slut.”17 A fourteen-year-old Hmong girl who was gang-raped in 1998 reports that her Hmong classmates “look at me like I’m just a tramp.”18 A sixteen-year-old Hmong girl who was gang-raped and forced into prostitution by some Hmong men never told her parents about it, explaining that her mother would only say, “You deserved it.”19 Like I haven’t heard that before! This exact episode has appeared on Law & Order a dozen times, but the rapists were always preppie fraternity guys.

  When a disturbed girl at the University of Virginia tells three different stories about being gang-raped at a fraternity house, her story is scooped up by Rolling Stone magazine and becomes major national news. But an actual gang-rape epidemic sweeping California, Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin is deliberately hidden from the public. You can’t make a governing Democratic coalition without breaking a few girls.

  Even if the press were dying to report on the Hmong gang-rape spree, the police won’t tell them about it. A year before the Hmong gang rape that reminded the Times of a rape in Glen Ridge, New Jersey, the police in St. Paul issued a warning about gang rapists using telephone chat lines to lure girls out of their homes. Although the warning was issued only in Hmong, St. Paul’s police department refused to confirm to the St. Paul Pioneer Press that the suspects were Hmong, finally coughing up only the information that they were “Asian.”20

  And the gang rapes continue. The Star Tribune counted nearly one hundred Hmong males charged with rape or forced prostitution from 2000 to June 30, 2005. More than 80 percent of the victims were fifteen or younger. A quarter of their victims were not Hmong.21 The police say many more Hmong rapists have gone unpunished—they have no idea how many—because Hmong refuse to report rape. Reporters aren’t inclined to push the issue. The only rapes that interest the media are apocryphal gang rapes committed by white men.

  Was America short on Hmong? These backward hill people began pouring into the United States in the seventies as a reward for their help during the ill-fated Vietnam War. That war ended forty years ago! But the United States is still taking in thousands of Hmong “refugees” every year, so taxpayers can spend millions of dollars on English-language and cultural-assimilation classes, public housing, food stamps, healthcare, prosecutors, and prisons to accommodate all the child rapists.22 By now, there are an estimated 273,000 Hmong in the United States.23 Canada only has about eight hundred.24 Did America lose a bet? In the last few decades, America has taken in more Hmong than Czechs, Danes, French, Luxembourgers, New Zealanders, Norwegians, or Swiss. We have no room for them. We needed to make room for a culture where child rape is the norm.25

  A foreign gang-rape culture that blames twelve-year-old girls for their own rapes may not be a good fit with American culture, especially now that political correctness prevents us from criticizing any “minority” group. At least when white males commit a gang rape the media never shut up about it. The Glen Ridge gang rape occurred more than a quarter century ago, and the Times still thinks the case hasn’t been adequately covered.


  If liberals will excuse rape when committed by immigrants, it’s the work of a moment for them to drop their reverence for “science” when it conflicts with primitive beliefs of tribal people transplanted to the United States.

  A Fresno man—an actual Fresno man, not a “Fresno man”—was horrified when he looked out his window and saw his Hmong neighbors clubbing a German shepherd puppy to death. The police arrived and found out the Hmong were practicing a ritual slaughter to appease the gods because the woman of the house was sick—all of which was reported with great sensitivity by the Los Angeles Times. True, an American doctor had told the woman that she just had diabetes, but, as the Times reported, “she isn’t so sure.”26

  An American doctor said she had diabetes. She had diabetes. Is that really an open question at the LA Times? Other Hmong in California weren’t “so sure” when American doctors told them their kids had measles, club feet, and even cancer, deferring instead to their “ancient folk ways” over the white man’s science. As a result, at least nine Hmong children died of measles in a single year, one Hmong was condemned to live with club feet, and a Hmong girl with ovarian cancer suddenly disappeared, never receiving the chemotherapy she needed.27 It was the gods’ punishment for an ancestor’s evil ways!

  The LA Times was practically lactating with cultural understanding about the Hmong’s canine murder, titling the article: “Hmong’s Sacrifice of Puppy Reopens Cultural Wounds.” It seems that Americans were creating “cultural wounds” by complaining about the Hmong clubbing Fido to death. How about the puppy’s wounds? Could we get an article on that? Hello, PETA? Stop hassling that kid for eating a hamburger—I got a real story for you!

  When even animal-rights activists abandon their concern for helpless creatures out of political correctness toward immigrants, the brainwashing has reached a crisis point. Instead of criticizing the Hmong’s house pet holocaust, the head of Fresno’s Humane Society, Don Pugh, called Americans racist for objecting to it. Pugh told the LA Times that he got more calls about animal sacrifice than he found animal carcasses. Thus, he concluded, complaints about Hmong clubbing dogs to death was “racism, pure and simple.”28 On Pugh’s logic, Jimmy Hoffa is still alive.

  Notwithstanding Pugh’s searing analysis, it is a fact that Hmong ritually sacrifice animals. They brag about it. They demand First Amendment protection for it. They submit court documents requesting victim restitution payments for their animal sacrifices. The Hmong “shaman” who killed the German shepherd puppy, for example, boasted to the LA Times that he sacrifices animals every year “to release the souls of the animals who helped him during the year, so that they can be reborn.” The husband of the diabetic Hmong woman demanded to know what else they were supposed to do. “We burned the paper money,” he said, casually admitting to another crime. “We did the chicken and the pig. But still my wife gets no better. What was I to do? I am a shaman and this is what we believe. So I bought this dog for $5 and did the ceremony right here.”29 No word on whether plans mandated by Obamacare cover animal sacrifice.

  After a Hmong in Minnesota, Txawj Xiong, was stabbed by a Minnesota man—probably driven mad by seeing a puppy clubbed to death—he submitted a victim restitution statement to the court requesting repayment for:

for sacrifice for Hu Plig ceremony–$540.00

  Pig for sacrifice for Hu Plig ceremony–$90.00

  Two chickens for sacrifice for Hu Plig ceremony–$10.00

  Roast Pig for Hu Plig ceremony–$155.15

  Shao woman to conduct Hu Plig ceremony–$200.00

  Xiong’s legal filings explained that animal sacrifices are necessary “to restore the soul of a victim.” This is contained in an official court record in the United States of America. And the trial court approved most of it, ruling only that the two chickens were “excessive.” The assailant ordered to pay for this insane hokum appealed on Establishment Clause grounds. He lost. The Minnesota Supreme Court upheld victim restitution expenses for an animal sacrifice.30 But the Humane Society’s Don Pugh says the idea that the Hmong engage in animal sacrifice is “racism, pure and simple.”31

  After Minnesota experienced a rash of Hmong gang rapes, animal sacrifices, and one child murder, as well as a particularly shocking mass slaying of Minnesota hunters, a local talk radio host suggested that the Hmong “either assimilate or hit the road.” The Baltimore Sun somberly reported his “hateful words,” adding with sadness that no one had ever “dared to blurt out [such sentiments] publicly.”32

  What is the formal, book-writing equivalent of: ARE YOU F-ING KIDDING ME? When a proposal that tribal Laotians living in Minnesota temper their enthusiasm for mass murder, child rape, and puppy killing is treated like something out of Mein Kampf, the country may be a few tweaks away from a serious effort at assimilation.

  In 1987, a Hmong father and son beat the crap out of twenty-three-year-old Michael Speropulous in a road rage incident in Chicago. As Speropulous approached their car, Bravo Xiong, thirty-eight, leapt out and began hitting him on the head with a steel bar. Bravo’s father, Ching, joined in, holding Speropulous in a bear hug so the son could continue the attack.

  At trial, the Hmong men testified that it was Speropulous who had dragged Bravo from his car and beaten him. All witnesses contradicted their account—as did Speropulous’s hospital records. Unfortunately, we can’t expect Hmong to tell the truth, unless everybody in the courtroom drinks rooster blood first. This, the Hmong defendants requested in their court papers. It seems these vibrant people believe that a person who lies after drinking rooster blood will die within a year and the rooster will take the person’s spirit, preventing the liar from being reincarnated as a human. So at least there’s solid science behind it. Although the judge ruled against drinking rooster blood, he imposed no punishment on the Hmong for a vicious assault that sent an American to the hospital, instead ordering them to take English lessons and a class in cultural assimilation.33

  People who never should have been in America in the first place get affirmative action in jobs, in college admissions, in newspaper coverage of their crimes—and in actual criminal sentencing.34 We used to have equality before the law. We used to have Western medicine. We used to have color-blind aspirations. But now we have Third World immigrants.



  GANG RAPE, CHILD RAPE, INCEST—IT’S BEEN A LONG TIME SINCE WE’VE SEEN much of that in the United States. Of course, there are lots of things we thought had been abolished a hundred years ago that our mass-immigration policies are bringing back. Every society has monsters. But why are we importing primitive cultures that are centuries behind the West in their regard for women and children?

  When it comes to multiculturalism, you can’t say, We love the empanadas—but we don’t want forty-year-old men raping their nieces. You don’t get to choose. This is not a buffet. It’s sheer madness for a First World country with unprecedented freedoms for women to be welcoming cultures with medieval views on the sexes.

  A nation’s “culture” consists of the habits of its people. In the groundbreaking book Albion’s Seed: Four British Folkways in America, historian David Hackett Fischer illustrates how hardwired a people’s culture is by tracing various behavioral patterns of twentieth-century Americans back to distinct regions of Britain. The Northeast got the urbane, morally straight, literate East Anglians, while Appalachia was dominated by the wild and woolly Scots-Irish. Centuries later, we can still see the influence of the East Anglians in Massachusetts, the state with the most college graduates, and of the Scots-Irish in TV shows like Cops.

  It’s worth asking, therefore, what cultures is America importing today at a rate of more than a million people a year?

  Academics, popular culture, Democratic senators, and Melissa Harris-Perry fill our brains with apocryphal tales of predatory white males in fraternities and the military, while carefully concealing the evidence that women have the least to fear from white Anglo-Saxon men. As Olatokunbo Olukemi warned, with perfect lucidity, about powerful, privileged, straight white men, in an article in the Columbia Journal of Gender and the Law that is absolutely not a joke: “A group in the dominant role in terms of gender, race, and sexuality will encode/decode an occurrence in a manner consistent with its own privileged position and view of ‘reality’ and thus in a manner different from a marginalized group. Due to the hegemony created by the dominant group, the marginalized group may also ascribe to the manner in which the powerful group codes, resulting in false consciousness.”1

  On the other hand, all the gang rapes keep being committed by immigrants.2

  With the media actively covering up the crimes of immigrants, it may take a while to notice, but Anglo-American men were the best women ever had it. Feminists see women as a community apart from men, but the truth is, America is a nation apart from the rest of the world. In no area is that clearer than the treatment of women and children. Latin Americans, Arabs, Asians, and Indians take a distinctly less respectful view of the gentler sex. Even Continental Europeans can’t compete with American men. They don’t have the gusto for gang rape, incest, and child rape of our main immigrant groups, but they fall far short of what the English-speaking world considers gallant behavior.3

  It’s as if Ted Bundy designed our immigration policies to ensure that the most misogynist cultures go to the head of the line. American employers get the cheap labor, Democrats get the votes, and American girls get the rapes.

  This would be blindingly obvious, except that the media refuse to report anything but good news about immigrants.


  Here’s a typical headline from a local Nashville TV station in 2011 about an illegal alien child rapist: “Man Wanted for Raping Girl, 11, Robbing Her Family.” The story never used the word “immigrant,” but rather described the suspects as: “Man,” “a 26-year-old man,” “the men,” and “the pair.” One of them “had recently been living at the Clairmont apartments on Patricia Drive.” A Clairmont-apartments man, then! The “men” were suspected in a rash of armed home invasions, during which they also sometimes raped the occupants, including children. Careful news readers would notice that the police had to deploy “Spanish-speaking officers” on the case, and also that the names of the suspects were “Olbin Sabier Euceda” and “Benson Olman Euceda.” Only after the first forty-one indictments were handed up against Sabier Euceda two years later did the City Paper (Nashville, Tennessee) finally cough up the information that he was a “suspected illegal immigrant.” Why only “suspected”? Doesn’t anyone know? Sabier Euceda had been captured at a bus station headed to Mexico. (I wonder if flight is a problem with criminal suspects who are citizens of another country?)

  Another “Man” in the news was Milton Mateo Garcia—just the sort of hardworking immigrant we keep hearing so much about from Marco Rubio and the New York Times. Garcia had three jobs. Even after he was caught sneaking into the country illegally from Honduras in 2013, he wasn’t discouraged. Through sheer pluck and determination, Garcia came right back, and began working as a dishwasher. (You just can’t get Americans to wash dishes. They won’t do it at any price.) After less than a year back in the United States, Garcia grabbed a twenty-six-year-old doctor
walking to her apartment in the well-do-to Rittenhouse Square area of Philadelphia, forced her into her apartment, and repeatedly raped her. He left with her keys, so when he realized he’d forgotten his bag, Garcia simply let himself back into the woman’s apartment, raped her again, collected his things, and left. Suggesting why there’s no Honduran Silicon Valley, Garcia also took his victim’s cell phone. The cops found him by calling the phone.4

  Here are the newspaper headlines about this illegal alien’s rape of a female doctor:

  “Man Allegedly Forced Philadelphia Doctor into Her Apartment and Raped Her”

  —UPI, by Frances Burns

  “Man Charged with Rittenhouse Doctor’s Rape”

  —, by Vince Lattanzio

  “Kitchen Worker Arrested in Rittenhouse Rape”

  —Philadelphia Daily News, by Dana DiFilippo

  Even news stories about immigrant crimes that mention deportation proceedings get headlines like this one: “Holly Springs Man Faces Child-Sex Charge.”5 The defendant in that case, Oscar Sanchez Lopez, was no more a “Holly Springs man” than a burglar at the mayor’s residence is a “Gracie Mansion man.” Lopez was a Mexican man who raped a child in a country where he had no legal right to be.


  It’s great living in America and having to interpret news stories as if we’re reading Pravda. Usually, the only way to tell if a crime story involves an immigrant is if:

  1.The crime involves a uniquely perverse sexual assault, such as gang rape, child rape, or incest;

  2.The rapist is shocked that anyone thinks he did something wrong;